NDIS UPDATE - Changes to provider payments


The NDIA have recently shared some updates with all NDIS Participants and Providers regarding provider payments.

This is the message from NDIS which is available on their website and the latest newsletter they have sent to participants and providers.

“We are taking some steps to strengthen the NDIS, by reducing fraud and non-compliant behaviour. This means from March 2024, we may take more time to check some claims before they are paid. Valid claims will be paid within 2 to 3 business days. Some payments may take up to 10 days.”

As a result of this NDIS announcement, providers may experience a delay in payment turn around during the invoice payment process.

As Plan Managers, Blitzit will continue to process and pay invoices as quickly as possible and communicate with anyone affected by the delays.

We are asking everyone to be as patient as possible as we have no control over this NDIS decision and it affects all of us in the same way.

Providers - If you want to check the status of an invoice payment we are asking that you do this after 5 business days from when we received the invoice.

Participants - Blitzit Plan Manager understands that delayed payments times of invoices may impact your relationships with service providers.

If an invoice from a provider is being reviewed, we will ensure to work closely with you and your service provider to resolve the delays.  We are hoping this doesn’t have too much impact on our participants and their providers.

We thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate the NDIS together.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

From all of us at Blitzit Plan Manager.

Invoices to invoices@blitzit.com.au
All other inquiries email- hello@blitzit.com.au